
abril 28, 2023

3 Diálogos básicos para praticar Zero and First Conditional

No nosso dia a dia, quando determinamos micro condições para que algo aconteça ou falamos das consequências de alguma ação, estamos praticando o Zero and First Conditional, sem nos dar conta. Neste artigo você vai encontrar exemplos de dilálogos do dia-a-dia para trabalho e viagem, usando Zero e First Conditional, para complementar os seus estudos.

Você vai ver por aqui:

Diálogo para o dia a dia usando zero e first conditional
Diálogo para o trabalho – Solução de problemas – usando zero e first conditional
Diálogo para viagem usando zero e first conditional

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Vamos aos diálogos ? Observe as cores que diferenciam o Zero do First Conditional em cada diálogo.

O Zero conditional está na cor azul, o First conditional está na cor rosa.

Diálogo para o dia a dia usando zero e first conditional

Person A: Hey, what are your plans for this weekend?
Person B: Well, if it doesn’t rain, I will go for a hike.
Person A: That sounds fun. If you go, I might join you.
Person B: Sure, that would be great. If we leave early, we can avoid the crowds.
Person A: Good point. If we meet at 8am, we’ll have plenty of time.
Person B: Sounds good. If we get hungry, there’s a great restaurant on the way back.
Person A: Oh, I’ve heard about that place. If it’s not too expensive, we should check it out.
Person B: Yeah, it’s a bit pricey, but if we split the bill, it shouldn’t be too bad.
Person A: Great, let’s plan on meeting at 8am then. If anything changes, I’ll let you know.
Person B: Sounds like a plan. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll assume everything is still on. 

Diálogo para o trabalho – Solução de problemas – usando zero e first conditional

Person A: Hey, did you have a chance to look at the project budget last week?
Person B: Yeah, I had. If we don’t make some adjustments, we will close the semester over budget.
Person A:  Oh, no, that’s not good. If we cut back on some of the non-essential expenses, can we get back on track?
Person B: It’s possible. If we reduce travel expenses and limit overtime, it helps.
Person A: Okay, let’s do that. If we need to, we can also renegotiate some of our contracts with vendors.
Person B: That’s a good idea. If we get better rates, it will definitely help our bottom line. 
Person A: Agreed. If we don’t get the rates we need, we look for other vendors.
Person B: Yeah, but if we do that, we risk delaying the project. If we can make some cost-cutting measures work, it’s probably the best option.
Person A: Okay, let’s start by implementing the changes we discussed. If we need to make more adjustments later on, we will do that.
Person B: Sounds like a plan. If we stay on top of things, we will be able to bring the project in on budget. 

Diálogo para viagem usando zero e first conditional

Person A: Hi, do you have any rooms available for tonight?
Person B: Let me check. If we do have availability, it will be for our standard room.
Person A:  Okay, that’s fine. If the price is right, we’ll take it. 
Person B: Our standard room rate is  $100 per night. 
If you book for more than three nights, we can offer a discount.
Person A:  That sounds great. If we decide to stay longer, can we extend our reservation?
Person B: Sure, if we  have availability , we can extend your reservation. If you want to be sure, please let us know tomorrow morning.
Person A:  Perfect. If we do decide to stay longer, is there anything to do around here?
Person B: Yes, there are some great restaurants nearby. If you’re interested in Italian food, I will recommend checking out Tony’s. If you want something more casual, there’s  a burger place just down the street.
Person A:  Great, thanks for the recommendations. If we decide to go to Tony’s , do we need to make a reservation?
Person B: It’s a popular spot, so if you want to be sure, I would recommend making a reservation. If you give me your name, I will call and make a reservation for you.
Person A:  That would be great. If we change our minds, can we cancel the reservation?
Person B: Yes, as long as you cancel at least 24 hours in advance, there is no problem.If you need to cancel just let me know 

E aí, como você se saiu? Conseguiu identificar o Zero e o First Conditional nos diálogos?

Se você precisa refrescar a memória sobre Zero and First Conditional, o que são e como usar, esse é o momento.

Confira também estes artigos para complementar os seus estudos sobre Zero e First Conditional: Liderança e Gestão no trabalho – Diálogo Nível Básico, 3 exercícios para treinar Zero and First Conditional e 6 músicas para treinar Zero and First Conditional

Se você quiser um acompanhamento mais próximo para tirar suas dúvidas do conteúdo e te auxiliar a aplicar nos contextos de trabalho e viagem, conheça as nossas práticas de inglês onde te ensinamos o conteúdo sempre alinhado a um contexto, fazendo assim com que você acelere a sua fluência.

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